This was a really exciting week.
Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. We watched one cross the road this week. We had just gotten into our car, and we saw a chicken start crossing the road. It was amusing.
Last Monday, we went to the zoo! It was exciting. We saw lots of animals, and we saw a baby elephant. I found lots of stretched penny machines, and I was super excited, because they were the first stretched pennies I have gotten thus far on my mission.
We also got invited to a noche de hogar/birthday party with about half the ward, and one of our investigators. She had a great time, and we were excited to see her getting so much fellowship. I think that if all of our investigators could get that type of fellowship, more than half of them would be baptized. Really. All many of our investigators need to help them along in the process of conversion is a friend.
We have been working with a less active named Noemi. She is amazing! She has a ton of questions, and we always end up talking about something weird, but she is also so much fun to work with. Noemi is working on a zombie movie. She is currently writing the script for a zombie movie.
We went to dinner on Thursday night, and we walked inside, and we realized that no one was home, beside the 13 year old daughter and her younger sister. We stood up and were like, can we eat outside, please? Then, we took a wrong turn on the free-way and we found our way into the Arlington zone, oops. Plus it was raining cats and dogs.
Then we went home, and our toilet exploded. It wouldn't flush and water kept gushing up and up and up. Fortunately, Hermana Bush figured out how to turn off the water. Then we called Elder King, the elder who helps us with all of our apartment and car problems, and he called our apartment complex, and they sent a plumber to our apartment. He came at about 10:50 pm. And because it was so late, Elder King had us just stay in the apartment with the plumber, and we called Elder King as soon as he left. So there are some more rules smashed to smithereens. Like being alone with someone of the opposite gender and being in bed by 10:30. I'm not really sure how many rules we broke on Thursday, I am just really glad that God understands, and repentance is real. :D
After going to sleep Thursday night, we were woken up Friday morning at about5:40 am, by a really loud CRACK. Hermana Bush sat up, and said, "Who got shot?" Then she looked out the window looking for fire. I'm not sure what she was thinking, she isn't either. But we are pretty sure that Lightning struck our apartment. Immediately after the CRACK, all of our power turned off.
We showered and studied by flashlight. It was fun. We left the apartment at12:00 pm, and the power was still off. It was back home when we returned home that night. So we were without power for at least a little more than 6 hours.
And our oil needed to be changed on the car, so we spent a few hours at Pep Boys while they changed it.
Friday, we helped Pedro and Valentina set up for their reception. Valentina is a member of about a year and a month, and they got sealed on Saturday, and they threw a big "wedding" party for everyone. It was so exciting.
And then, on Saturday, we got a call, saying that we needed to get the brakes on the car fixed, so we went back to Pep Boys.
And then we went to the reception. It was so amazing! We were so excited for them. And Yubiri (Valentina's mom, whom we have been teaching while she is here for the wedding), announced that she wanted to join the church!! And I placed a Libro de Mormon to one of Valentina's relatives, that is going to go to France, because she lives in France.
And this morning, our ceiling decided to cave in over the shower. Just another adventure in the life of a missionary.
Hurrah for Israel,
Hermana Julie Anna Sanchez
Romans 6:15
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