Officer's Log Stardate 2.25.2013
I have been transferred to the starship USS Bullseye, serving under the command of Captain H. P. Kirk. We are on 1st contact mission and diplomatic relations with the people of planet Esteban.
We saw some of the natives in the city of Tarleton, but did not make contact. They have a very strange reputation, which preceded them. They wear purple robes and conceal their identity. I am not sure of to precede.
Agriculture appears to be the main form of survival, especially with dairy production.
Temperatures are fairly mild, if a bit on the cold side.
Spock out.
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Hello Everyone,
So basically I have the coolest companion ever. Our first day out, Hermana Potter asked me about what I did before the mission, so I started explaining about the Space Center. And she is a trekkie. We have been having so much fun together. She is like Captain Kirk and I am like Spock, and we get along so well.
I love Hermana Potter so much. We can connect on a very academic level and I learn so much from her. We have so much to share and learn from each other. It is going to be an amazing transfer. I think it is funny that I had to come to the Cowboy Capital of the World to meet Hermana Potter, and have an excellent conversation about academics and scriptures and such. I am currently teaching her to solve a Rubik's cube in our spare time.
Stephenville is a lot different from my other areas. Yesterday, at church, there was only 6 people in Spanish Sacrament Meeting, including myself, my Companion, and the Bishop. So really there were only 3 spanish members who came.
We go to about 4 hours of church. Spanish is only a group here, and so there is English Sacrament, classes, and then Spanish Sacrament.
We are going to be doing a lot of member work and helping out in the Rescue as we try to build the Stephenville Spanish Branch. (It should be split into a dependent branch soon, which will be interesting seeing as how there wasn't anyone there on Sunday).
I was studying about the people in 4th Nephi this morning. In verse 1, they participated in the Doctrine of Christ. They repented, were baptized and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. But, they didn't endure to the end, and so they fell away, and were lost. In the last chapter of 3 Nephi, 2nd verse, it commands us to be filled with the Spirit. It is not enough to receive the Holy Ghost once. We have to be filled with the Spirit, and we have to always be filled with the Spirit. We have to live worthy so as to have the spirit with us always. Baptism is not enough. The Doctrine of Christ without Enduring to the End is incomplete!!!
We also do a lot of English work as well. The rule here is basically to teach who you find.
My first day we went and taught Lindsey and Austin. Austin is a member and Lindsey is his fiancee. They have a 4000 acre ranch, and Austin does a lot of rodeo and stuff. They are really cool and we were able to set a baptismal date with Lindsey.
After that we went to see Deborah. Lindsey and Deborah are complete opposites. The only similarity is english. It was interesting to see the differences.
We found a new investigator named Kenny. He is super smart and knows the bible very well, but is very open to learning more. He is very sensitive to the spirit, and both times when we have taught him, he just says, "wow" every time the spirit hits him strong. It is very wonderful to teach him.
I love Stephenville so much. It is going to be amazing to serve here!